UK STampers Forum Upgrade News

We have now completed the changeover to the new UK Stampers Forum. The gallery is in use and is great. Why not register for our email Newsletter due to start this week on the forum ?

Sid xx

Sunday, 15 April 2007

Challenge - The Louvre (Iles des Paris)

It's a while since we posted a Challenge, so as I've just returned from a glorious few days in Paris....I'd love to see some artwork with the working title "The Louvre" or "Iles des Paris".

ADDED: Don't be frightened by this, as it's just a working title, just use it as a spring board, and let your imagination fly. There are great works of art in the Louvre, and also the most famous landmark in Paris is on a small piece of land called the Iles des Paris! You could also take a royal route, or impressionism as your inspiration.

UK STamper Members, upload here. Don't forget to add your username label at the bottom.

If you are not a member of UK STampers, then leave a comment with a link....actually, why haven't you jointed yet? Click on UK STampers forum link in the side bar, and joint our growing band.

Galaxy Girl

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Hmmm, that's quite a challenge Kym! Glad you had a great time in Paris - show us yer photos! :o)